
Vault is a free folder locking app for Mac OS X

View the Project on GitHub impiza/Vault



Vault is a free folder locking app for Mac OS X

Step One

Create folder in your Desktop(for default) or to a specific file path. create a folder in that Volume you want just giving a space as name then change its icon to invisible ! for that do following steps download invisible.icns to your mac then right click invisible folder which named " " and select Get info. then drag dowloaded invisible.icns to folder icon of " " folder which you can see on top most left of get info window screen shot >>>

Step Two

then open main.scpt with AppleScript from your (launcher or application/Utilities folder) then edit password "yourpass" to "yournewpassword"

Step Three

(This feature enable users to add specific file path to vault to enable stealth mode <(O_O)> :D ) if you want a specific file path then replace this line from default script ! ( open folder " " ) to ( open folder ("/Volumes/Machintosh HD/ " as POSIX file) )


here ( Machintosh HD/ " )may vary depend on your hdd name & in between ( / " ) you always remember to give a space as it is our folder name

Step Four

then save it then select file > Export > change fileformat to Application done now you have created !

Step Five

copy it to your Application folder , add it to your dock :)

when you click it to open it will ask your password type your password with in 5 Sec other wise it will time out !

this is just a small trick to fool your friends ....

always hide your folder "Finder" path bar screen shot here >>> ! :D

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